We are a VIP UPS Shipper and have been for over 3 decades. We can ship to virtually any United States destination. We ship all orders in to us by 1:30 pm on the same day, excluding weekend and holidays. UPS requires us to ask for a physical address because they do not deliver to PO Boxes.
UPS Ground Shipping transit times from our warehouse at the State Farmer's Market in Raleigh, NC 27603:
1 Business Day - NC, VA, SC
2 Business Days - GA, AL, MS, TN, KY, IN, OH, PA, WV, MD, DC, NJ, DE, CT
3 Business Days - FL, NY, VT, MI, WI, NH, MA, RI, AR, MO, IA, MN, TX, OK, LA, IL
4 Business Days - KS, ME, NE, SD, ND, CO, NM, AZ
5 Business Days - NV, UT, WY, ID, MT, WA
6 Business Days - CA, OR
APO Boxes
Yes, we do ship to APO Boxes. Please call our office for special pricing for US Postal Rates. 919-833-7647 or email